evolum is a personalized daily ritual to live more peacefully.Every day, make an appointment with yourself to experiment with your favorite practices: meditation, yoga, journaling assisted by artificial intelligence, sound therapy, personalized daily oracle...And let yourself be surprised by their wonderful effects on your life, day after day.evolum is NOT a general library, it is a daily ritual personalized to YOU. Which adapts to your emotion of the moment, your sensitivity. Because you are unique.By using evolum, get ready to:ִ🧘 Feeling more and more serene, calm, aligned.ִ🧘 Discover more than 100 guided meditations.ִ🧘 Discover hundreds of Yoga sessions adapted to your goals, your emotions.ִ🧘 Develop your concentration and mindfulness.ִ🧘 Powerful personal development methods.ִ🧘 Total relaxation of body and mind.ִ🧘 Fall asleep more easily, in a deep and restorative sleep.To achieve these results, we use tools such as:➡️ Mindfulness meditation➡️ Creative visualization➡️ Gratitude➡️ Emotion management tools➡️ The Law of Attraction➡️ Hypnosis for sleep➡️ Deep relaxation techniques➡️ AI-assisted therapy➡️ Personalized oracles➡️ The principles of Reiki, energy visualization, kundalini, yoga➡️ Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)➡️ Mudras➡️ EFT Energy Points➡️ Nonviolent communication (NVC)➡️ Principles of shamanism➡️ The Law of Attraction➡️ Harmonization of the chakras➡️ Positive psychology➡️ The release of negative emotions➡️ The MBSR➡️ Culture of self-confidence➡️ Hypnosis➡️ Buddhist meditation➡️ Sophrology➡️ Ayurveda➡️ Methods of letting go➡️ The Hooponopono method➡️ The connection to the higher self➡️ Ikigai➡️ Body scans➡️ The practice of conscious intention➡️ Manifestation of Abundance➡️ Positive affirmations➡️ Liberation of the inner child➡️ Vipassana meditation➡️ Development of intuition➡️ Third eye development➡️ Other relaxation and personal development techniquesRelaxing music and sounds of nature (singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, kirtan, binaural sounds, mantras, songs created to increase concentration, sounds in 432hz).100% suitable for beginners, but also for the most experienced.Perfect against:❌Stress❌AnxietyLets be the change we want to see in the world.🧘